Delivery Agreement


The Department of Police, Roads and Transport contributes to the achievement of Outcome 3 (All people in South Africa are and feel safe) and leads the provincial government’s effort to achieve this outcome within the context of the responsibilities it is assigned by the Constitution.At the signing of the delivery agreement between the partners of the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (national government), it was noted that; “The rule of law has been described as the foundation of a fair and just society, a guarantee of a responsible government, and an important contribution to economic growth.” Government, therefore, identified the fight against crime as one of the priorities to be addressed as part of building a better society and country envisaged as envisaged in the Constitution, and demanded by all law-abiding citizens.Though policing is a national competency, the provincial government is assigned specific responsibilities regarding policing by the Constitution. In terms of the Constitution, each province is entitled to;

  • monitor police conduct;
  • oversee the effectiveness and efficiency of the police service, including receiving reports on the police service;
  • promote good relations between the police and the community;
  • assess the effectiveness of visible policing; and
  • Liaise with the Cabinet member responsible for policing with respect to crime and policing in the province.

The Delivery Agreement for Outcome 3 is available in the Resource Centre.


The achievement of Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network is particularly relevant in the provincial government context to the Department of Police, Roads and Transport. The mandate of the Department, specifically that of the roads and transport components, is directly relevant to some of the identified required outputs under the outcome, specifically Output 3, namely to ensure the maintenance and strategic expansion of the road network.The focus of the provincial government’s formulated Outcome Priorities towards building an efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network intends to improve and maximise economic activity through building an expanded and sustainable economic infrastructure network.

This will be achieved through investment in public transport infrastructure activities, such as, subsidies and taxi recapitalisation; conversion of permits  into public transport operating licenses; improving and broadening of the freight transportation system, including the revitalisation of rail for an effec­tive, efficient and affordable public transport system and infrastructure in order to enhance regional economic integration such as the N8 Corridor.Special attention will also be given to ensure a drastic reduction in the number of old and unsafe taxis on the Free State national and local roads; working towards empowering taxi operators in the public transport industry to perform their functions efficiently by increasing road safety training and education; and by improving and preserving strategic routes to sustain the economy of the province through roads construction and maintenance with an emphasis on township revitalisation.

The Delivery Agreement for Outcome 6 is available in the Resource Centre.