Budgets & Procurement

Budget Programmes


The aim of the budget vote of the Department is to contribute towards the creation of a prosperous Free State through the facilitation of the provision of sustainable community safety, mobility and road infrastructure.

The budget of the Department comprises of six main programmes, namely;

  • Programme 1:  Administration
  • Programme 2:  Civilian Oversight
  • Programme 3:  Crime Prevention and Community Police Relations
  • Programme 4:  Public and Freight Management
  • Programme 5:  Traffic Management
  • Programme 6:  Roads Infrastructure

Programme 1: Administration


The aim of the Administration Programme is to provide executive support to the Head of the Department and systems within the department.

Strategic Goal

Service excellence through astute leadership and transformative management


  • Promote the values and principles of good administration and sound management practices.
  • Enhance the capacity-base of the department.
  • Improve and sustain the culture of service delivery excellence.


  • Competency enhancement to meet administrative and managerial challenges of the Department.
  • Staff recruitment, retention and development to achieve service delivery objectives.
  • Customisation of Information Technology to meet departmental needs.


  • Office of the MEC
  • Office of the HOD
  • Office of the CFO
  • Corporate Support

Programme 2:  Civilian Oversight


The aim of Civilian Oversight Programme is to oversee police performance and conduct in relation to service delivery in the province

Strategic Goal

Promote democratic accountability and transparency in policing and crime prevention


  • Ensure police compliance with legislative and policy framework.
  • Monitor equitable allocation and distribution of SAPS resources.
  • Monitor crime patterns at all police stations.
  • Monitor reduction in the backlogs with regards to reported cases vis-a-vis conviction rate.
  • A cost effective, accessible and transparent complaints system


To monitor the efficiency and evaluate the effectiveness of the Police Service.


  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Complaints Registry and Investigations

Programme 3: Crime Prevention and Community Police


The aim of Crime Prevention and Community Policing and Liaison Programme is to mobilize communities against crime and to ensure community mobilization and participation in crime prevention community safety, including social crimes.

Strategic Objectives

  • Provide an efficient pre-hospital and inter-hospital patient transport service.
  • Provide an efficient preparedness and response plan to disaster in the Free State province.
  • Provision of effective EMS communications Centres.
  • Provide an efficient pre-hospital and inter-hospital patient transport service.

Strategic Goal

Crime prevention and community safety through community engagement and social crime development initiatives.


  • Develop and execute social crime prevention programmes at provincial level and local level.
  • Promote and Support Victim Empowerment.
  • Oversee the establishment and functioning of CPF’s at all police stations in the province.
  • Enhance capacity of community police structures to improve co-operation between the police and the community.
  • Promote community dialogue in support of crime prevention initiatives and activities.


  • Community mobilisation against crime and criminality.
  • Addressing the root causes of crime.
  • Empowerment of victims of crime.


  • Social Crime Prevention
  • Community Policing and Liaison

Programme 4: Public and Freight Management


Is aimed at developing, establishing and managing an efficient and effective integrated transport system in the Free State that stimulates socio-economic growth.

Strategic Goal

Provision of a safe, reliable, effective and fully integrated public transport service in the Free State Province


  • Ensure an effective and efficient public transport infrastructure.
  • Promote the delivery of a well coordinated, safe and affordable public transport service. Improve freight transport efficiency within the province.


  • Improve freight transport efficiency.
  • Improve rural mobility.
  • Formalization of all public transport operators – registration of associations and members.


  • Traffic Management
  • Integrated Modal Transport Management (Freight & Logistics)

Programme 5: Traffic Management


Is to establish, manage and maintain a safe and efficient road traffic system.

Strategic Goal

A safe and efficient road traffic environment.


  • Ensure a culture of proper road traffic enforcement with new values driven by service delivery and more visibility.
  • Improve licensing services and eliminate fraud and corruption within the traffic environment. Increase road safety training and education.


  • Reduction in road traffic accidents.
  • Reduction in overloading.
  • Strengthening of Arrive Alive Campaign.


  • Transport Law Enforcement and Overload
  • Transport Administration and Licensing
  • Road Safety Education

Programme 6: Roads Infrastructure


To promote accessibility, mobility and a safe integrated road infrastructure network that is environmentally sensitive and stimulates socio-economic growth.

Strategic Goal

An integrated and sustainable road network system that is managed effectively and efficiently towards providing access and mobility to all users in the Free State Province.


  • Ensure improved roads infrastructure planning and delivery.
  • Provide and maintain a vibrant and safe provincial road network service.
  • Enhance improved service delivery capacity within the roads infrastructure sector.


  • Massification of Expanded Public Works Programme – particularly with regards to access roads.
  • Implementation of contractor development strategy – focus in CIBD grading.
  • Development and implementation of Road Maintenance Contracts.


  • Planning and Design
  • Construction and Maintenance
  • Fleet Management