What is AARTO?

AARTO stands for Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences.

What is eNaTis?

The National Traffic Information System (eNaTiS) is the official register for all vehicle, driving licence, contravention and accident data.

What is the Road Traffic Management Corporation?

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) commenced its operations in April 2005 with the main purpose to pool powers and resources to eliminate the fragmentation of responsibilities for all aspects of road traffic management across the various levels of government in South Africa, and to bring a professional approach and improved confidence into the entire system.

The RTMC was established in terms of Section 3 of the Road Traffic Management Corporation Act, No. 20 of 1999, for co-operative and coordinated strategic planning, regulation, facilitation and law enforcement in respect of road traffic matters by the national, provincial and local spheres of government.

The RTMC faces a tough challenge to fight lawlessness on our roads, to improve the overall safety of our road users and to encourage responsible road usage behaviour.

The RTMC has a mandate to establish and run an effective road management system to ensure the safety and quality of life of our citizens and we are taking this responsibility very seriously. This has to be a shared responsibility between government, business, community groups and individuals.